Vendor Content Specialist

Business Development

In the story of Snappfood, we want to create value. Our company is willing to create emerging phenomena and is eager to have Account Management Specialist our team to help us get through business challenges with creativity, intelligence, and speed of response.
We are waiting for you to be with us in this story


  • Communicating with OS (other services) vendors (confectionary, protein, fruits, bakery, and new services) to take their products’ descriptions and apply them to their menus.
  • Resolving issues created by vendors due to their menus’ problems, such as wrong variations of their products or any mess in their product descriptions.
  • Discovering vendors containing products with lousy photo quality and directing them to the photography section.
  •  Contributing to fulfilling the default photos database of New Services, such as pet shops and pharmacies.
  •  Following up on new vendors’ menu quality, implemented by the SnappFood content team.



  • Exceptional software skills and knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint)
  •  Ability to adapt to a fast pace, dynamic work environment
  • Time management skill
  • Commitment


  • Credit for: Vacations, Gym, Therapy, Internet Costs
  • Social Security & Complementary Insurance
  • Educational platform of advanced courses
  • Snappfood’s Discount codes
  • Loans

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